Wednesday, June 29, 2011


If you haven't checked out Part 3, than click here.

Is this familiar to you "I have low fat levels, but still no abs". If so you are in luck, today I will explain to you what is the reason for this to happen.

About me: If you are new to the blog I want to introduce my self. Hello there, my name is John Gregory, the creator of The Bodybuilding Blog. I am a bodybuilder with six years of experience. I have helped many people online and offline, you can be the next.

The reason:
First I want you to know that visible abs come when your body fat levels are low to 7% - 8%, be sure to check exactly how much fat you have. You can do this in a lot of ways, check Google for more information.

Now if your body fat is 7 or 8 percent, there is something wrong, but not with you, with what you are doing. And of course there is an easy to explain reason for that to happen.
The reason is that you have got NO idea what you are doing. Yes, that is the reason. You are doing what you think is right, not what is proven to be right. To change that, you can always start reading this blog, and learn a lot about bodybuilding.

There are three explanations to this problem:
1. You are a hard gainer, a skinny person. You have problems gaining fat or muscle.
2. You have over-trained your abs and destroyed the muscle tissue
3. You have never trained your abs

If you are a hard gainer, that means that you have serious problems gaining muscle or fat. That is how you got the abs. But the problem is that you don't have strong ripped abs. The only way to get them is by changing your nutrition (your diet) plans and start working out.
Doing some of the ab workouts is good. But adding to them exercises like Deadlifts or Squats is a really good idea.

Over-training a muscle is common, atleast 60% of my students have done it in the past. The reason is that t

hey are training their abs every day, thinkin that they are getting bigger. This way you are only losing muscle tissue, making your abs smaller and smaller. Make sure you give your muscles some time to rest. Lets say train your abs twice a week. Monday and Friday, that is enough.

Remember that you gain muscle while resting not while working out.

If you have never trained your abs, it's right about time you start. How do you expect to have good looking muscles, if you have never trained them. Start doing some ab workouts as a beginning. I will soon put in this blog an "Exercise" button on the navigation bar, from where you can pick exercises to perform.

Remember guys, training your abs will not get a visible six pack. You will have to follow a good diet which will help you lose fat. Don't forget the reason you don't have abs, you have a layer of fat on top of them. The only way you will get rid of it is by losing body fat. Lower down your body fat levels and you are done. If you still don't have visible abs, start training them.

Thank you very much for reading my article, PLEASE share it, like it. You have no idea how much you are actually helping the Blog this way

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